Posts Tagged ‘NPS’
Episode 133: Lessons Learned From the Philando Castile Shooting Video
Riley and Jacob cover the latest stories in the concealed carry and firearms industry world including some important updates out of Nevada and Oregon as far as reciprocity is concerned, Illinois is cracking down on violent offenders, one man credits his training with being able to stop a violent bear attack. Meanwhile military snipers are taking out ISIS fighters from 2.2 miles away and setting records in the process. But you don’t want to miss the CRAZY story about a Utah man that has to defend himself and his two teenage sons from a naked drunk man that just won’t give up even after the homeowner has to draw down on the man! Trust us, this one’s a doozy!
Read MoreEpisode 99: Woman Stops Carjacker With Her Gun
Today’s news stories include some reciprocity changes, another state that is added to the Constitutional Carry movement, a federal court ruling that hurts the Second Amendment in terms of modern sporting rifles, and a whole slew of JUSTIFIED stories that you won’t wanna miss!!
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