Posts Tagged ‘internet’
Are Online Concealed Carry Permits a Scam?
More than half of US states will accept a permit that is obtained by taking an on only concealed carry class. This article explores how that works and how your state laws may or may not apply.
Read MoreTelecommuting: Looking to the Future of the Firearm Industry
The general consensus of businesses right now is to move to an on based formula, for both customer ease, as well as quality control. The gun industry has not been at the forefront of this movement, however.
Read MoreWhy the NRA is Moving to Online Training
Most major industries and programs have some sort of on presence where they have taken something that used to require a face-to-face meeting and found a way to turn it to an on program that creates ease on both the consumer and the company. The NRA has recently taken this step with its on training programs.
Read MoreCan You Take A Concealed Carry Class Online
More than half of US states will accept a permit that is obtained by taking an on only concealed carry class. This article explores how that works and how your state laws may or may not apply.
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