Posts Tagged ‘illinois’
S10E6: How to Deal With Gear Snobs Like Riley
Today, Riley Bowman and Brian ‘Doc” McLaughlin discuss quality gear, what is good enough, what isn’t, how to select quality gear judiciously, and where to spend our dollars most efficiently.
Read MoreS10E5: JUSTIFIED SAVES – Woman Saved by the Uber Driver From a Naked Man
Today we have plenty to discuss as we break down multiple events including carjackings, attempted robberies, home invasions, and more. We’ll cover some interesting stories today including one where a 17-year-old carrying a pistol and involved in a shooting was ruled favorably as justified defense.
Read MoreS9E17: Get Ready…Ammo Prices Will be Going up Again
Riley and Brian bring to you our monthly “News Episode.” Today we discuss what’s driving the coming ammunition price hikes, how one state is trying to surveil lawful Americans making firearms purchase, and about the proposed semi-automatic gun ban that you should be paying attention to. Tune in…
Read MoreS9E4 – News and Legislation – “The Most Extreme Gun Control Bill EVER”
Riley and Matthew share the latest industry news updates. We cover legal challenges in Oregon and Illinois. Plus how the Biden administration has been illegally funding red flag laws, and how another Biden rule has been overruled by the courts.
Read MoreS8E5: The Battle over Gun Registration & Assault Weapon Ban Rages On
Jacob and Matthew review 7 recent stories that affect your gun rights and the gun industry at large. The ATF is being called out, judges are making important decisions, and those in Constitutional Carry States are getting an important reminder.
Read MoreKommissar J.B. Pritzker Signs Law Banning Commonly Owned Rifles and Magazines
On January 10th, J.B. Pritzker signed Illinois House Bill 5471. Immediately effective upon signature, HB 5471, among other things, bans commonly owned, civilian sporting rifles like the AR 15, and…
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