Posts Tagged ‘Hawaii’
S10E20: End of Another Year, Many Changes in Laws
Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulsen sit down to reflect on the past year and take the opportunity to share with you a summary of many concealed carry and firearm law changes that are relevant. We track this stuff pretty closely, and take our responsibility seriously to keep our followers informed about the laws
Read MoreMinnesota Drop SC and Adds CT, HI, and OH Permit Recognition
As directed by Minnesota Statute 624.714, MN DPS conducts an annual review to determine which other states have laws “similar” to Minnesota in order to determine what out-of-state permits will…
Read MoreS9E26: Which Country is Building Over 300 New Gun Ranges?
Riley and Brian discuss industry and legislative news. A lot happening on the legal side this time of year. Both pro gun and anti-gun bills making their way through various states and some interesting news coming out of Europe.
Read MoreS3E4: Handgun Purchase Ban for 18-20 Year Olds Unconstitutional
Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulsen discuss the recent Legislative News from around the US including stories about how one federal judge is opening the door for lawsuits against gun manufacturers, while another is ruling that the 21-year-old age requirement for handgun purchases is unconstitutional.
Read MoreEpisode 433: Good and Bad News for the Second Amendment
Today. Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster bring you our monthly legislative news update. We cover stories on the national level and from states such as Hawaii, Colorado, Virginia, and also a unique story from the Czech Republic. Tune in!
Read MoreGov. Signs Changes to Hawaii’s Already Strict Gun Laws
Two additional gun laws have been added to the state of Hawaii which already has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. Governor David Ig has signed Senate…
Read More9th Circuit Court For Open Carry
Just two short years ago, the 9th Circuit ruled that an individual does not have the right to conceal a weapon for self-defense. Just days ago, that same court ruled…
Read MoreEpisode 241: Man Killed Over a Parking Spot? Plus Other News…
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest in industry news, legislative updates, and share this week’s top JUSTIFIED SAVE stories from around America. Today we will be talking about some big legislative updates from several states, the faltering of gun rights leaders duped by a comedian, and an unfortunate shooting of a man that started over an argument about a parking space. Plus a ton of wild JUSTIFIED SAVE stories to share that you won’t want to miss!!
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