Episode 299: JUSTIFIED SAVES – Police Officer Shot and Killed in Apparent Self-Defense

Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA of JUSTIFIED SAVE events, situations where regular citizens were forced to stop violent attacks, robberies and sexual assaults by using their own lawfully possessed and carried firearms. Today’s JUSTIFIED STORIES are no different especially in one story where a one man was justified in shooting and killing an Idaho police officer, and we also share the tough lesson learned by one man who tried to confront car thieves.

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Episode 291: Man Clinging to Hood of Car Saved By CCWer

Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA of JUSTIFIED SAVE events, situations where regular citizens were forced to stop violent attacks, robberies and sexual assaults by using their own lawfully possessed and carried firearms. Today’s JUSTIFIED STORIES are no different especially in one story where a Good Samaritan in Massachusetts saves another man’s life after he was caught on the hood of a speeding car at speeds of up to 70 mph! Join in and listen!

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Episode 99: Woman Stops Carjacker With Her Gun

Today’s news stories include some reciprocity changes, another state that is added to the Constitutional Carry movement, a federal court ruling that hurts the Second Amendment in terms of modern sporting rifles, and a whole slew of JUSTIFIED stories that you won’t wanna miss!!

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