S7E11: JUSTIFIED SAVES – Sometimes Things Are Not as They Appear

Riley and Matthew share the latest JUSTIFIED SAVES including the successes and the failures. Today we have plenty to discuss as we break down multiple events including carjackings, attempted robberies, home invasions, and more. Plus we discuss the Ohio incident where a man was lured under romantically pretenses to a deadly set up.

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Episode 149: Govts Suspending Gun Rights During Protests?

Riley and Jacob cover this week’s stories from legislative updates to our usual JUSTIFIED story segments. This week in the news, Oregon has just passed a ridiculous law that you’re not going to want to miss out on learning about because trust me, this one amounts to gun confiscation…and it’s coming your way! Also good news out of Ohio that strengthens self-defense laws and rights. Plus don’t miss the story about a man that is burglarized and attacked by 3 violent teens and what he had to do to defend himself and his family from a gun!

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Episode 133: Lessons Learned From the Philando Castile Shooting Video

Riley and Jacob cover the latest stories in the concealed carry and firearms industry world including some important updates out of Nevada and Oregon as far as reciprocity is concerned, Illinois is cracking down on violent offenders, one man credits his training with being able to stop a violent bear attack. Meanwhile military snipers are taking out ISIS fighters from 2.2 miles away and setting records in the process. But you don’t want to miss the CRAZY story about a Utah man that has to defend himself and his two teenage sons from a naked drunk man that just won’t give up even after the homeowner has to draw down on the man! Trust us, this one’s a doozy!

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Maine Now Honors Permits from 16 New States

On June 5th, 2015 Legislative Document 868 was signed into law by Governor Paul LePage of Maine. Described as “An Act To Remove Limitations on Reciprocity for Concealed Handguns Permits” the change removes the power from the state police to enter into reciprocity agreements and instead forces Maine to recognize any resident permit from any state that also honors the Maine Concealed Handgun permit.

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Law Enforcement – To Inform or Not to Inform

Today’s article is not meant to focus on all the things wrong with New Jersey or any other state. I feel that the above story and many others like it make an American gun owner ask the question, “Should I inform law enforcement that I have my firearm or not?”

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