Posts Tagged ‘weapon’
CA Judge Rules “Assault Weapon Ban” Violates Second Amendment
California District Court Judge called Roger Benitez decided that the “Assault Weapons” ban that had been part of California law since 1989 is clearly in violation of the Second Amendment…
Read MoreGuide to Gun Law and Gun Control For American Journalists
An guide of American gun law, written to help journalists and others who want to understand the actual law and regulation of American guns and gun owners. Background checks, registration, assault rifles, permits, open carry, campus carry, loopholes, and !
Read MoreAll Legal Weapons Now Covered With US Law Shield
U.S. Law Shield, the country’s largest firearm legal defense group has announced that moving forward their member legal coverage will extend not just to firearm related incidents but to any weapon related incidents.
Read MoreShould We Ban Machetes Too?
Two recent news stories involving home invasions and machetes give contrasting ideas of the role that firearms play both for law abiding citizens and for criminals.
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