Episode 219: Waffle House Shooting and More

Today Riley and Jacob are back at it for the first time on a news episode together in a while. TONS of great stories to today coupled with our analysis will hopefully prepare you in your own personal Guardian journey. Stories about mass shooters being stopped by good guys; stories about JUSTIFIED SAVES that occurred this past week that always contain great lessons-learned; and unfortunately stories where the good guys lost recently as well including 2 cops in Florida. We honor them.

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What is Waffle House’s Gun Policy?

Waffle House Gun Policy

Following this Sunday morning’s shooting at a Nashville, Tennessee Waffle House many people are wondering if they will be able to defend themselves should another of these establishments be attacked. Well today we are going to take a lo at Waffle House’s gun policy to see just how you are allowed to defend yourselves once entering their restaurants.

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Episode 37: Millennials Favor Gun Control Less Than You Might Think

Coming up today we cover how Germans are calling for gun control in the wake of the recent Munich shooting while their French counterparts are going the other way, it seems the female response to recent violent events is that women are buying guns and getting trained, and also tons of justified stories today plus an interesting story about how millennials may surprise you where it comes to gun control…

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