Posts Tagged ‘vehicle’
3 Reasons Duty to Inform Law is Awful
Today, 11 states and the District of Columbia have some form of duty to inform or duty to notify law, which requires a citizen stopped by law enforcement, notify or…
Read MoreS2E10: Your Car is NOT a Holster…or a Safe
Today, Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster discuss problems associated with using car holsters and/or storage solutions–safety issues, theft issues, circumstances involving children, and also potential problems with law enforcement interactions. Tune in!
Read More[VIDEO] 5 Carjackings – How to Increase Your Odds Of Winning The Fight
These 5 deadly carjacking incidents are full of lessons learned. We extract 5 of them and provide a video training lesson to help you overcome this ever more common violent incident.
Read MoreCarjackings Are Up Across The Country (Why and What to do About it)
Carjackings are up higher than normal, seemingly across the entire country. For example, last year Philadelphia set their record for the most carjackings in the city ever in a single year. Taking it up a notch, just last month (January), carjackings were up more than 3X from January 2020.
Read MoreEpisode 437: Man Saves Lives by Intervening at a Cemetery
Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulsen share the latest JUSTIFIED SAVE news stories from around the country where everyday citizens stop deadly threats lawfully on a regular basis. Many lessons will be learned today including from some of our less-than justified incidents. Tune in!
Read MoreEpisode 371: Homeowner Used As Human Shield
Some interesting news stories today including several examples of what to do and what not to do. A BG uses a homeowner as a human shield successfully and a mother beats the police to her home in order to protect her daughter from home intruders. Tune in now!
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