Concerns With Concealed Carry And Winter Gloves

Sometimes, even worse than having inoperable gloves, is having frozen fingers that can’t move because they are too cold. When I got to the office last Tuesday (Denver) the outside temperature was 3 degrees Fahrenheit. No amount of keeping your hands in your pockets is going to help you stay warm enough to be able to operate a firearm in that kind of cold.

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Pepper Spray For EDC | Good or Bad Idea?

Pepper spray or OC spray can be a good defensive tool in situations where carrying a firearm is prohibited or unpractical. But understand, OC spray is not a magic wand that stops attackers in their tracks and send then running for the hills. Attackers can…

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LAG Tactical Grunt Style Defender Holster REVIEW

I had the opportunity to have an exclusive look at and review the new Grunt Style Defender Series Holster made by L.A.G. Tactical. The Defender Holster is an IWB/OWB (Inside Waistband/Outside Waistband) holster that can be swapped between roles in a matter of minutes. All one must do is remove the IWB clips and replace them with the OWB loops or vice versa.

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How to Defend Yourself in a Large Crowd

responding to a mass shooting

But what are you to do if you are in a situation that calls for response, in order to keep yourself or others safe, if there are innocents surrounding you on all sides? In this article we are going to take a look at some methods for how to handle a situation in a crowd

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This EDC Trauma Device Will Save Lives

There most well known is a windless style of tourniquet that uses a handle to lever that when twisted causes the device to constrict around the limb. There are also ratcheting tourniquets that work just as you would expect, a ratcheting device allows the tourniquet to be tightened and stay secure around the limb.

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