Episode 173: “Hand Over Your Weapons”

The war against guns and gun rights is just getting started. Election results across the country last week weren’t favorable towards the 2nd Amendment. Virginia and New Jersey have new anti-gun governors. Media outlets are suggested it is a referendum against Trump and because the voters want gun control. Is that really the case? We’re not so sure, but one thing is certain…this battle is continuing on, and we have got to educate and motivate people to understand the “gun issue” and get on the right side of things.

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Episode 171: Texas Church Massacre

It is a solemn day in America. But heroes walk amongst us. And the fight for the Second Amendment is critical now than ever even as we see Republicans in the House considering removing the deregulation of suppressors from the SHARE Act and gun control is called for from the Michael Bloomberg gun control lobby. We cannot let our guard down!

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