Posts Tagged ‘prepper’
9 Essential Items To Keep In Your Safe Room For a Home Invasion
During a home invasion circumstances might lead you to isolate your family and defend a safe room. Considering that home defense strategy I want to discuss some of the essential things you will need with you in that safe room if you are going to successfully defend it.
Read MoreEpisode 401: Bugging In – Are You Prepared?
Matthew and Jacob discuss a range of topics relating to bugging in. Being prepared to sustain your family for a long period and defend your home from exterior threats.
Read MoreeCommerce Stores With Some Stuff Still Available
Okay, so in case you’ve been living under a rock, the world is in a bit of chaos right now. I say it like that because I still see some…
Read More[Infographic] How Prepped Are You For When SHTF
About two weeks ago we invited all of our readers to take a short survey about their own level of preparedness. We all know what we should be doing to be prepared for an emergency but its interesting to have a sense for how well one is doing relative to others in our community. The below infographic illustrates the responses from the survey.
Read More[Infographic] The Crimes and Disasters Most Likely to Affect You
This decade seems to have given rise to a great “prepper” movement in the USA. Survival and prepping blogs are shooting up and we are all working on our bunkers. Good preppers…
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