Posts Tagged ‘gun insurance’
US Law Shield Expands Coverage To Include Negligent Discharges
You are likely familiar with the folks over at Texas and U.S. Law Shield, a legal defense program for gun owners. They are devoted to helping any of their members who…
Read MoreSelf-Defense Shield And Carry Guard: Two Different Programs Compared
I wanted to compare USCCA’s Self-Defense Shield and NRA’s Carry Guard insurance programs. What follows, is what I found: You’ve no doubt heard by now that USCCA was dis-invited by…
Read MoreEpisode 105: Forced to Buy Gun Liability Insurance by the Government?
Our last news episode had a bunch of stories covering proposed pro-gun rights legislation. But this week we highlight a couple of laws that if passed would restrict gun rights . At least there’s some good news coming out of North Carolina. Also what NOT to do if you don’t want to lose your CCW permit. Tune in now…
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