LASR-X Laser Activated Shot Reporter X

This is a LIFETIME license with free updates for life.
This is the top software program to facilitate laser simulated training with tools like the SIRT. Download and activate the software program on your computer, outline your targets with the webcam, and let the software put you through training drills. The New LASR-X is compatible with all major devices include both Windows & MacOS computers, Android and iOS mobile devices, etc.
Going to The Range Is Expensive and Inconvenient
And Worse Off It Leaves the Shooter With HUGE Training Gaps
Dear Shooter,
As the President of the largest online and in-person firearm training company in America, I understand all too well how much each of us needs to train in order to build the muscle memory necessary to actually effectively counter threats of deadly force. There is no substitute for live fire training but none of us get to the range as often as we really should and frankly, live-fire training by itself falls short of providing a gun owner with all the tools needed to act in self-defense.
Today you are going to learn about one of the most effective and powerful firearm training tools available called the Laser Activated Shot Reporter (LASR). Don't forget to watch the videos above and please consider placing your order today!
Jacob S. Paulsen
President |
What are the major problems with relying on range training only?
Cost: Ammunition is expensive and sometimes hard to find. Add to that the range fees, targets, gear, and your transportation and going to the range just isn't something most of us can do every week.
Full Range of Motion: Pulling the trigger is one thing but professionals know you also need to train drawing the firearm from your concealed holster, readying the firearm, getting into a stance and grip, dealing with reloads and malfunctions, and re-holstering the gun. Not only do most ranges have rules against this but it can also be very dangerous to train these things with a fully loaded firearm.
Stationary: Real life never holds still but at the range, you are probably only allowed to stand still and fire at a stationary target. This doesn't prepare you for a world where targets move and you need to move also.
Single Target: Indoor ranges particularly have rules against you setting up multiple targets but in real life, you can't bet your life on there only being a single assailant.
LASR changes all of that. LASR is a simple software program that you buy online and download to your laptop. Then, using any webcam you just point the camera at your targets and run your drills.
Here are some of the major features of the Software:
- Use ANY webcam
- Use ANY Computer, Laptop, Cell Phone, or Tablet
- Use ANY target (paper is fine)
- Use ANY Laser Simulation Gun
How Does This Change The Firearm Training World?
You can train far more often: No expense each time you use it and you don't have to leave the house.
You can train without fear of a discharge: 100% safe
You can train in your home, the single most likely place where you may need to use deadly force
You can train your draw from concealed and work on full range of motion without concern for safety
You can train with movement, moving around corners, up and down stairs, and moving for cover and concealment
You can train with multiple targets and angles
You can train with barriers, cover, and concealment setting up anything you want
You have immediate and recorded reporting and feedback
Features Include:
- Easy Setup
- Advanced Features and Feedback
- Shot Timer modes
- Shot Tracking on Multiple Targets
scottm1 (verified owner) –
This is a great dry fire training tool. I alternate using the SIRT and my carry gun w/ laser cartridge on different drills – gives great flexibility of dry fire practice, and expands the variety of drills you can run.
LASRX comes with a ton of drills built in, plus check out for a fun and challenging way to dry fire. This really helps you learn the LASRX program right away, and makes dry fire fun while developing shooting skills quickly.
Make a new years resolution to dry fire more, and much more effectively with LASRX! Look at me, making a commercial for this product!
d3varms (verified owner) –
Great training aid with my SIRT. I do find drawing the squares on my ipad/iPhone a bit tedious, but once this is done it’s a great tool. It’s great to be able to put my ipad on a tripod and get in some dry fire training in a hotel room. Combine this with the the Live Fire drill cards or the Tacost training cards and the options are endless.