Concealed Carry Book of Drills – First Edition Book

This first edition Concealed Carry Book starts you off with a budget friendly version of the concealed carry workbook and practice system. Includes the first 30 drill cards,10 log cards and 5 loadout cards. A perfect way to get started and then build your own drill card selection as you go. Includes many drills to work on fundamentals as well as more challenging skills with increasing levels of difficulty.
5 in stock (can be backordered)
This Training Log has everything you need to get started if you are just beginning to learn to shoot or have developed advanced skills. It is a solid system to help you practice to build on the training you received in concealed carry class and to show your trainer progress from your practice results at the range.
This first edition Concealed Carry Book starts you off with a budget-friendly version of the concealed carry workbook and practice system. Includes the first 30 drill cards,10 log cards and 5 loadout cards.
Use Drill Cards to learn new drills and record your shooting results. Use Loadout Cards to define how you carry and practice. Use Log Cards to create a record of all concealed carry activities you invest in.
The log is divided into 5 sections to create a fully functional training system, which are:
The Training Log contains several log cards to get you started to capture all information related to practice, training and education.
Active Drills includes drill cards D-001 to D-006 to get you started with Accuracy First, a foundational training approach used to create a positive, encouraging experience and rapid improvement through a focus on accuracy. All drills use a standard format. Learn to read the first 2-3 drills and you can read all of the drills, from now on.
Loadouts contain several loadout cards to capture and track all aspects of our handgun, holster and ammo combination you use to shoot.
Spare Drills contain the balance of the drill cards D-007 through D-066. Each drill card is a stand-alone drill and can record performance results 7 times. Over half of the drills can be run indoors depending on range rules. The drills get generally more challenging moving from the front of the set (D-001) to the back of the set (D-066).
Information includes definitions that are common to shooting and are used in the log.
Dimensions | 8.5 x 5.5 in |
Additional information
Weight | 21.5 oz |
Dimensions | 23 × 20 × 6.5 cm |
Mike Hall (verified owner) –
As a firearms instructor, I highly encourage students to train and train often. The Handgun Training Drill Card and Logbook is invaluable in making range time productive. There are numerous drills to practice various skill sets. Additionally, your logbook serves as evidence of continuous developing and improving your proficiency that can be entered into evidence in a self defense trial. I highly recommend anyone that carries on a consistent basis to train and document that training. The Handgun Training Drill Cards and Log Book will focus and improve your training.
Nancy (verified owner) –
This book will provide a more structured practice with detailed progression. I can’t wait to get to the range.
d3varms (verified owner) –
These are great, much better than just normal target practice. I even use the drills with my SIRT pistol when practicing my dry fire at home.
xnekal –
I really do love this training aid, however is no longer a valid website and I can not order replacement cards or the second set of cards (#91-120). Does anyone know where someone can get replacement and the second pack of cards?
Bill Long – is the new website.