S9E8: Mythbusting Shooting Fundamentals – STANCE

Today, Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster bring to you our first in a series of “mythbuster” episodes, and today we will be talking about the classic shooting fundamental often referred to as “stance.” What is it? What is it not? How do we do it better? Don’t miss it, and tune into today’s episode!

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Episode 432: 5 Things The Gun Industry Has Changed Its Mind About

Matthew and Jacob discuss some of the major changes of opinion the gun industry has experienced in the last few decades. Many shooters today who first learned to shoot 10, 20, and 30 years ago bring with them ideas and techniques that have been broadly dismissed and replaced with a new best practice. We discuss 5 of those in today’s show.

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Episode 250: The 80/20 Rule of Gunfighting Skills

Today Riley and Matthew discuss the 80/20 rule as it relates to developing and maintaining skills that may or may not make a difference in a gunfight. What things should we be focusing on of the time that makes the most difference? What sort of things do we commonly see people practice, but it will make little difference for them in reality while they have other things they still lack and need to work on first. Maximize your training and get 80% of the results from 20% of work!

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Episode 86: Busted at the Border – Interstate Travel

Riley just returned from an epic 3000+ mile road trip to Alabama and back, Jacob was on the road traveling as well, so our thoughts were recently on interstate travel and considerations that cannot be overloed when packing heat and crossing state s. Today the guys break a lot of it down plus recent lessons learned from their experiences. Check it out….

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