Episode 185: Revisiting the GM Tech Center Stabbing with ‘Paco’ Sarder

Today’s episode is a replay of an interview we did with Didarul ‘Paco’ Sarder who is the gun-toting, concealed carrier Muslim from Detroit who stopped the stabbing of a woman at the GM Tech Center in Warren, Michigan on February 10, 2016. We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a continuation of these Happy Holidays with the welcoming in of the New Year. Be safe out there, be ready, enjoy and learn from this fascinating interview!

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Episode 28: I Stopped a Stabbing in Detroit

Today we are so excited to feature the story of a man who successfully stopped a brutal attack on a woman when he decided to step in, draw his gun, and put an end to it…and not in the way you might think! Not only do we have the story, but we have the full interview that we were privileged to have with him.

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