Posts Tagged ‘shooting’
Are European-Style Gun Control Laws a Blueprint for America?
Besides this being an election year in the U.S., the recent amendment to the Czech Republic’s charter has me thinking about the debate over gun control and ownership here in…
Read MoreVIDEO | The Crucial Role of Directing Third-Party Individuals During a Shooting Incident
I recently watched the video from the tragic shooting inside a Lakewood, Texas mega church. The shooter, who brought her 7-year-old son along with her, used a legally purchased AR-15…
Read MoreS9E11: Mythbusting Shooting Fundamentals – GRIP
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster bring to you our second in a series of “mythbuster” episodes, and today we will be talking about the classic shooting fundamental often referred to as “grip.” What is it? What is it not? How do we do it better? Where do people miss the mark as they work on or even teach the concept? Don’t miss it, and tune into today’s episode!
Read MoreShooter Ready Challenge, August 2023
August 2023 Shooter Ready Challenge We’ve been publishing dry fire training and challenge videos since October 2019 to help the average gun carrier take their skills to the next level.…
Read MoreS9E5: Improving Discipline in Your Shooting
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster discuss how to increase and improve your discip in your shooting performance. Discip is one of the big reasons people miss, especially when under stress or pressure. So how can we prevent ourselves from falling apart when it counts?
Read MoreDo You Have These 12 Essential Items in Your Range Bag?
A day at the shooting range is just that. A full day. At least it is for people who are serious about training with their weapons or for people who just guns so much that they want to get their full amount of time that they can with them. The most bang for their buck if you’ll excuse the pun.
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