S5E14: JUSTIFIED SAVES – Online Stalker Shot and Killed at the Doorstep

We cover some wild stories today, some of which seem almost too crazy to be true including one where a man broke into a home and killed the daughter of a man in an apparent attempt to take control of their home with an underground bunker. We also share the story of a man shot and killed in Florida who traveled hundreds of miles in an attempt to kill a social media star’s family that he was stalking.

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[Infographic] How Prepped Are You For When SHTF

About two weeks ago we invited all of our readers to take a short survey about their own level of preparedness. We all know what we should be doing to be prepared for an emergency but its interesting to have a sense for how well one is doing relative to others in our community. The below infographic illustrates the responses from the survey.

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