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Welcome To Vehicle Firearm Tactics
This is an online video course that will walk you through the skills and knowledge you need to win a gunfight in or around a vehicle.
Outside of your home and workplace, your vehicle is where you spend the most time.
- Americans spend 17,600 minutes behind the wheel each year. That’s 7 full 40 hour work weeks...
- In 2015 there were 14,862 murders in America, that started in a vehicle
- In 2016 there were 115,000 murders and rapes in America, that started in a vehicle
- And gun Road Rage is UP 250% (2014 to 2016)
Course Content Includes:
- 3 primary counter-intuitive yet optimal positions to get the most cover in a vehicle fight
- Why the glass in the windows may be your most useful tool in fighting from inside the car
- How being too close to the vehicle when outside could cause you to expose yourself to your assailant.
- A psychological weakness any human might have that you can exploit, understand this secret and you can use non-bulletproof parts of the car as a weapon
- The proper technique for a “compressed ready position”
- How to aim naturally without hitting objects in the car
- What to change about your grip for greater accuracy within a vehicle
- The glass double tap technique and when to use it...
- How to handle an attacker if your window is down
- 7 common pieces of car gunfighting advice that are COMPLETELY false
- How to shoot behind you, especially if you’re driving (HINT: it’s not how it looks in the movies)
- 5 common “self-muzzling” mistakes and how to avoid them
- Seated draw: what’s different and what 1 thing MUST you do to avoid dangerous mistakes
- Stealth draw position - draw from this position and you’ll always have the element of surprise on your side
- 1 handed shooting techniques and how to practice every scenario
- What to consider if you drive often with strangers, perhaps as a professional driver, whether you drive for Uber, Lyft, or UPS
- Proper Fighting Positions for passenger attacks from behind
- What to do with your gun if you feel you need to draw yet want your gun to remain hidden
- The secret safe ready position: How, why, and when to use it…
- [IMPORTANT] The Vehicle attack decision matrix: when to evade, when to fight and which weapon to use
- How Do Different Kinds of Glass Break & What About Tinting
- Deflection and How That Impacts Shooting Through Glass and Using the Car as Cover
- The difference between FMJs vs Hollow Points when shooting through Glass and The Car
- The Proper Priorities When Considering Your Defensive Options
- Carry Position and Holster Considerations
- Draw Stroke and Presentation On Target
- How to Draw and Make Ready In The Vehicle
- Dealing With Threats From Multiple or Different Directions
- Dealing With Passengers In The Car
- Support Hand Shooting Considerations
- Bailout. How to Fight Your Way Out
- How to Bail Out and Shoot Through the V
- Car Cover, Concealment, and Angles
- Getting Shots on Target From any Position
- Tactical Considerations Shooting Into the Vehicle
- Getting Out of the Way and Putting Shots on Target
- Penetrating Through the Door and Glass
Plus Force on Force Demonstrations that will show you the reality of a gunfight and how to stack the odds in your favor.
What Does This "Top Shot" Think About the Course?

"I just finished up the Vehicle Tactics course. SUPER IMPRESSED! There’s a lot of information there and you guys do a fantastic job of unpacking everything in a logical and easy to understand fashion. The information is solid and the way it is presented is very logical and coherent. I think that’s SUPER important! Some people may never get a chance to do this stuff on the range so the information that you present here is what they’ll fall back on in times of crisis. The easier it is to understand, the easier it will be for them to recall when they’re under stress. Very well done guys!!!" -Gary Quesenberry
While Gary Quesenberry is best known as a two-time competitor on History Channel's Top Shot, Gary also has over 20 years of Law Enforcement and Military experience. He specialized in both foreign and domestic Counter Terrorism training. He is an Army veteran who served in Operation Desert Storm. Gary has developed basic and advanced tactical pistol concealment training courses and was a lead firearms instructor with the Department of Homeland Security. Gary is also the founder of Q-Series Holsters.
What Beth Alcazar Has To Say About the Course?
"Being in or around a vehicle during an attack can be a vulnerable and frightening position. And no matter how much time we spend driving, it’s likely that most of us have never had the chance to do this kind of training on the range … and may never have the opportunity. Whatever the case, Jacob and Riley have created an excellent collection of tips, tactics and techniques that could potentially save lives." -Beth Alcazar.
Author of Women’s Handgun & Self-Defense Fundamentals, associate editor of Concealed Carry Magazine and creator of the Pacifiers & Peacemakers column, Beth Alcazar has enjoyed nearly two decades of teaching and working in the firearms industry. She holds degrees in language arts, education and communication management. Beth is certified through the NRA as a Training Counselor, Chief Range Safety Officer and Certified Instructor for multiple disciplines. She is also a Certified Instructor through SIG Sauer Academy, ALICE Institute, DRAW School, TWAW and I.C.E. Training and is a USCCA Certified Instructor and Senior Training Counselor.

Your Instructors:

Riley Bowman is an accomplished shooter and firearms instructor. He came up in this world initially through his 8-year experience with a state-level law enforcement agency in Colorado. Riley has studied under and completed many hundreds of hours of training with names like Rob Leatham, Mike Seeklander, Scott Jedlinksi, Tim Herron, Matt Little, Dave Spaulding, Jeff Gonzales, Kyle Lamb, and others. He is a Colorado POST-certified Law Enforcement and Patrol Rifle Instructor, an NRA Pistol Instructor, and a graduate of Trident Concepts Concealed Carry Instructor program. He also competes in 3-gun and USPSA matches having numerous top-5 and top-10 finishes at major matches and is classified as a Master-class shooter in USPSA.
Jacob S. Paulsen is the President of and co-host of The Concealed Carry Podcast. Jacob is a NRA certified instructor, Range Safety Officer, Utah BCI Instructor, USCCA Training Counselor, Affiliate Instructor for Next Level Training & L.A.S.R, and a certified armorer for Glock and Sig Sauer. Jacob leads the instructor team of over 40 network instructors in 25 states.
You May Never Learn This From Your Range or Instructor
Despite the amount of time you spend in the car and the ultimate vulnerability of that environment, there aren't a lot of opportunities to train in and around cars. Search your local gun ranges and even all the major firearm training academies in the country and unless you have a badge you will have a VERY hard time finding any class that will teach you how to shoot in and around vehicles. The few that exist won't let you shoot through the glass.
This video course, while not as ideal as an in-person course, will arm you will the important skills and knowledge to be able to succeed in this environment. Getting plane tickets, paying for a hotel, and taking a 2 day class to learn how to shoot around a car (and still not be able to see how shooting through glass affects everything) would cost you thousands of dollars. Take advantage of this online video course to get the knowledge you need today!
Online Only

Get access to watch the high definition videos anywhere you have an internet connection. When finished you will have access to a downloadable course completion certificate.
Only $37.62
DVD Only

A DVD will be shipped to you which can be played on any DVD player. Enjoy high definition video and audio on any TV.
Only $37.62 + S&H
Online & DVD

The DVD shipped to you to watch on any DVD player AND access to the online videos to watch from any connected device AND get access to a downloadable course completion certificate.
Only $45.56 + S&H
The "Vehicle Firearm Tactics" Course is Included At No Cost As A Part of Guardian Nation Membership. If Interested Click Here. Existing Members, Find This Course In The Member's Area.

Common Questions About this Course:
How Will I Get The Course Material?
After checkout, you will have access to the videos in this course via our website or free mobile phone app. Your access is permanent… so you can always come back to the site and watch all the course videos anytime you wish.
This online video course is fully closed-captioned