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How To Draw Your Firearm Within The Vehicle & Present It To Target While Dealing With Steering Wheels, Bucket Seats, Windows, and Passengers All Without Taking An Expensive Class Or Wasting Hours On YouTube
Leading Armed Defense Experts Reveal The Little Known Proven Methods To Draw and Present A Firearm From Any Carry Position When Seated In A Vehicle

From: Jacob Paulsen
Dear Friend,
Last year there were 115,000 murders and rapes in America that started in a vehicle. That works out to 315 per day.
And even if you think you live in a safe area did you know Road Rage Incidents WITH A GUN are up 250% year over year.
Have you ever looked into getting vehicle-related firearm training?
Have you wondered why it is so hard to find and so expensive?
In my research, I found only 3 firearm training academies in the entire country that offer such a class and the least expensive was $1,900 (Before travel and ammo).
I Totally Understand!
You are not alone, AND it is NOT your fault
Outside of your home and workplace, your vehicle is where you spend the most time:
The average American spends 17,600 minutes behind the wheel each year. That’s 7 full 40 hour work weeks…

The Only Training Program Dedicated Exclusively to Drawing Your Firearm From A Seated Position in A Vehicle and Presenting It to Target
Today we have a solution that isn't meant to replace an entire vehicle firearm tactics course but will provide one of the most critical skills involved in armed vehicular defense... the draw and presentation of the firearm.
Drawing a gun in your car or truck can seem complicated. Depending on your carry position you may not even know how to access the gun given the presence of the seat and the seatbelt.
Then there is still the issue of working around the steering wheel and windows all while in a tight space all without dangerously muzzling yourself or the other passengers in the car.
Recently I spent two days with Director of Training Riley Bowman filming a comprehensive Vehicle Firearm Tactics course. From that full course, we've carved out the high-definition, edited videos that deal with the firearm draw and target presentation within a vehicle and created a "mini-course."
I Know What You May Be Thinking. How Hard Can It Be?
If you are reading this I assume you have at least some basic training how to draw a firearm and you may be thinking that performing a seated draw in the car while avoiding the steering wheel can't be that complicated.
Most of our students share your perspective. In our classic 3-day defensive shooting course (which isn't for newbies) our students get a rude awakening when we put their skills to the test in a simulated vehicle draw scenario on day 3.
The traditional drawstrokes most shooters use FAIL in the vehicle position.
They fail to deploy the gun in a way that ensures the firearm doesn't muzzle the gun owner or innocent passenger
They fail to deploy the gun in a way that ensures you can present to target REGARDLESS of where that target is relative to your position in the vehicle
And since gun owners carry in a variety of carry positions most instructors fail to fully show how to draw in that environment for ALL the positions including appendix, strong side, cross draw, traditional IWB, small of back, ankle carry, etc.
'Vehicle Draw" Addresses These And Many Other Issues
Here are questions that will be addressed in this program:
- What are the Pros and Cons of Vehicle Mounted holsters?
- The draw and presentation method guaranteed to work in any environment that will avoid the steering wheel
- How to access a firearm from different carry positions given the environmental constraints?
- What are the important considerations for left-handed carriers
- How to work around the seat-belt?
- Is there a preferred carry position when seated in the car?
- How do you draw without "flagging" yourself or others in the draw stroke?
- What is the best practice when you are shooting behind you or in a direction where the glass is in the way?
- How do you prep your gun for situations where you don't know if you will need to fire?
- How do you distract your attacker and draw your firearm without telegraphing your movements?
- How to deal with a passenger that is a threat?
In addition, this mini-course includes a force on force re-enactment where you see how all the skills and tactics play out in real life.
I realize that some of you don’t have a DVD player. No problem, when you claim your DVD today we will also send you a private link via email which you can watch the entire Video Training online from ANY internet-connected device.
Just Cover our cost of Shipping and Handling
The "Vehicle Draw" Course is Included At No Cost As A Part of Guardian Nation Membership. If Interested Click Here. Existing Members, Find This Course In The Member's Area.
Your Instructors:

Riley Bowman is an accomplished shooter and firearms instructor. He came up in this world initially through his 8-year experience with a state-level law enforcement agency in Colorado. Riley has studied under and completed many hundreds of hours of training with names like Rob Leatham, Mike Seeklander, Scott Jedlinksi, Tim Herron, Matt Little, Dave Spaulding, Jeff Gonzales, Kyle Lamb, and others. He is a Colorado POST-certified Law Enforcement and Patrol Rifle Instructor, an NRA Pistol Instructor, and a graduate of Trident Concepts Concealed Carry Instructor program. He also competes in 3-gun and USPSA matches having numerous top-5 and top-10 finishes at major matches and is classified as a Master-class shooter in USPSA.
Jacob S. Paulsen is the President of and co-host of The Concealed Carry Podcast. Jacob is a NRA certified instructor, Range Safety Officer, Utah BCI Instructor, USCCA Instructor & Training Counselor, Affiliate Instructor for Next Level Training & L.A.S.R, and a certified armorer for Glock and Sig Sauer. Jacob leads the instructor team of over 50 network instructors in 25 states.
Just Cover our cost of Shipping and Handling
The "Vehicle Draw" Course is Included At No Cost As A Part of Guardian Nation Membership. If Interested Click Here. Existing Members, Find This Course In The Member's Area.
Common Questions About this Course:
How Will I Get The Course Material?
After checkout, you will immediately get access to the online video streaming link and within 2 business days, you will be shipped the DVD.

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