Episode 137: Man Sits on Cocked Gun, Shoots Self in Genitals

Riley and Matthew talk about the latest in national and state legislative issues including one Oregon law that just passed through the state house heading for the governor’s desk that WILL result in the confiscation of guns without due process!! Meanwhile on a positive front, new legislation is introduced that goes even further than the Hearing Protection Act that would completely deregulate silencers in the federal law–the SHUSH Act los very promising as far as legislation is concerned, but does it stand a chance in the U.S. House and Senate? Finally, don’t miss the crazy story where one man gets shot in the “crown jewels” when he sits down on his loaded gun!

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Episode 109: Oklahoma Man Shows Why AR-15s Are the Perfect Home Defense Weapon by Dropping 3 Intruders

In today’s news: Riley and Gretta breakdown the current battle in the Capitol to confirm Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch. We also talk about the ridiculous vetoes that Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe issued on 5 common-sense gun bills and about some safety issues Kentucky families may be facing. Also we highlight 3 excellent Justified stories including one where a 23-year-old Oklahoma man is forced to use his AR-15 on 3 armed intruders.

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Episode 107: Proof That Shotguns Are Still a Viable Option For Self-Defense

Today we introduce a NEW podcast co-host, Gretta!! She is a fabulous instructor, women-in-the-shooting-sports advocate, and competition shooter. Today we talk with Gretta about some of the latest news and stories from across the land, including not just one…but TWO crazy JUSTIFIED stories where folks are forced to defend their lives with a shotgun. Plus a number of critical updates on legislation in several states that you’re not going to want to miss!

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Maine Now Honors Permits from 16 New States

On June 5th, 2015 Legislative Document 868 was signed into law by Governor Paul LePage of Maine. Described as “An Act To Remove Limitations on Reciprocity for Concealed Handguns Permits” the change removes the power from the state police to enter into reciprocity agreements and instead forces Maine to recognize any resident permit from any state that also honors the Maine Concealed Handgun permit.

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