RAND Combo Pack

Get three of RAND’s best in class products in one convenient and easy to order package. This is the top selling RAND product combo featuring:
1) 2 oz. bottle of RAND CLP
1) 4 oz. bottle of RAND Bore & Bolt
1) 1 oz. tube of H.A.W.G. Grease
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The RAND CLP Combo Pack contains
1) 2 oz. bottle of RAND CLP
1) 4 oz. bottle of RAND Bore & Bolt
1) 1 oz. tube of H.A.W.G. Grease
Use Bore & Bolt to clean and remove any carbon, powder fouling, or rust from your guns. Then apply a thin coat of RAND CLP to all the moving parts, springs, rails and contact points of your gun to keep it in perfect working condition. Or, use H.A.W.G. grease on any locking lugs, rails, springs, and contact points if you would rather not use oil.
RAND CLP and H.A.W.G. grease are perfect for protecting your firearms from everyday environmental effects, as well as long term storage.
[hr]RAND Bore & Bolt
RAND Bore & Bolt is a non-toxic and virtually odorless biosynthetic based cleaning solvent specially formulated to allow for deeper penetration of carbon, powder, rust, and other fouling agents. This solvent will penetrate into the residue on your guns and remove it from the inside out, making carbon and powder removal almost effortless. Bore & Bolt was created to work hand in hand with RAND CLP, and will cut your cleaning time exponentially. RAND Bore & Bolt is completely non-toxic and will not harm any metal, woods, or polymers; Bore & Bolt also helps to reduce rust, malfunctions, and firearm inaccuracies or inconsistencies.
RAND CLP is a nanoparticle infused, non-toxic, virtually odorless all-in-one cleaner, lubricant, and protectant. Unlike other products on the market, RAND CLP was designed from the ground up to clean and protect firearms. Using our patented formula, nanoparticles penetrate and fill in microscopic cracks in the surface metal of your gun, creating a slick surface that prevents the buildup of dirt, carbon, and powder fouling, at the same time reducing friction and wear on your gun. RAND CLP has a flash point of 607oF, and the lowest coefficient of friction on record. Using RAND CLP will cut your cleaning time in half, and add time to the service life of your firearms.
HAWG Grease
H.A.W.G. (Heavy Applications Weapons Grease) was created to lubricate and protect heavy machine guns. A nanoparticle infused, non-toxic, virtually odorless and corrosion resistant grease, H.A.W.G. cuts down on friction and wear in moving metal parts increasing the life of your guns. Because of the extreme heat, high pressure, and heavy loads that machine guns generate, any product created for them has to be extremely strong and durable, and H.A.W.G. fits that bill. With a flashpoint of 619oF and a non-combustible grease base, this grease will work on any weapons system. Whether you are a hunter, target shooter, military or police, H.A.W.G. will handle any job that needs to get done.
“There are hundreds of options when it comes to cleaning, lubricating and protecting your weapons, but RAND CLP is the best option.”
Kyle Lamb, SGM Retired US Army Special Forces
“We pretreated a Sig 228 with RAND CLP. After 2,800 rounds it’s still firing with no malfunctions at all, amazing!!! In all our previous tests the furthest we ever got with competitors was 1,800 rounds.”
Carl, NJ State Police, Division Armorer
“If you are a professional who relies on a firearm of any kind for their job, livelihood, and well being, or just a gun enthusiast who loves to shoot, this is a product you should not ignore. This is a product that in my opinion is a game changer and one-of-a-kind. There is nothing on the market even close to replicating RAND CLP.”
Keith, Firearms Instructor, U.S. Special Forces, Fort Bragg, N.C.
“Seven years in Marine Corps begging for better CLP … this CLP would have given us in the military an edge that could save lives … I have an ongoing test with a Steyr 9 mm. I treated it with RAND CLP and have been to the range 7 times WITHOUT cleaning and now have put 1,000 rounds through her pipe and I have had ZERO misfires.”
Chris, retired USMC, gun enthusiast
“We treated our Glock 19’s … the biggest surprise was that it felt as if it actually lightened up the trigger. The take up was smoother and it made the pull on the trigger so much easier!!”
James, Lieutenant, Co-Op City Dept of Public Safety
“Hands down, the best CLP I have ever used.”
Vince, Sons of Guns TV
“RAND CLP is the most innovative and effective firearms lube on the market.”
Kyle, Viking Tactical, Retired Sgt. Major, U.S. Army Delta Force
“I am in an area that is sand storms all day. RAND CLP is doing even better in the heat. It doesn’t burn off when the weapon gets hot. You got me hooked and the whole platoon uses it now. I love the fact that a little goes a long way. I can always have it with me in a pouch and don’t have to carry a huge bottle. I never leave the wire without it!!”
Mark, Gunny Sgt, U.S. Marine Corps, serving in Afghanistan
“I tried it out. WOW!!!!!!!!! Excellent!!!!!!! I did two guns that I had cleaned with one of your competitors. I thought they were clean. NOPE. MAGIC!! Cleans like magic!”
Chris, NRA Firearms Instructor
“Initial thoughts are awesome! Breaking in and running it on older guns with great results. Incredible lubricity without allowing buildup on the gun. I’ve actually applied it to BCG’s stored vertically and the lube crawled upward against gravity to penetrate the metal!!”
Mike, Stoic Ventures, Firearms Instructor
“When I cleaned and pre-treated the ‘clean’ bore in each of 6 firearms with the RAND CLP I came away with embarrassingly dirty patches, showing conclusively that the bores, although previously cleaned quite well, were not clean… And that RAND was getting in under the carbon, fouling and general deposits embedded in the bore and slide rails. It seems to flow out very evenly, retains a durable boundary layer in place when wiped lightly, and the resulting function is very smooth when cycling and firing. I put a couple hundred rounds of 9mm FMJ through a G17 and it all but wiped clean with minimal effort. Function throughout was 100%.”
Bill, New Hampshire Range Officer
“I left it outside in cold weather and found it does not congeal or gum up and get sticky. This was very important for me. I have many customers who shoot in extreme weather conditions and firearms exposed to salt, and it seems to be a very good rust protector. Since handguns have a sluggish extraction after a while, I figured this was a great test and the lube seems to be very strong here as well.”
Mitch, Ruger Gunsmith
“I was very skeptical at first. Then I used RAND CLP on my AR. I took it out on a snowy day to test it. I shot 1000 rounds with no stoppages. I then treated certain areas of my AR to see how good the rust protection was. I put my AR in a storage bag and left it wet for two weeks; the treated areas had no rust whereas the untreated areas rusted. Amazing that it actually does what it says it does.”
Jared, SWAT Team Leader
“Our training range is very sandy. The sand here is like talcum powder. It gets in everywhere in your weapon. I followed your directions and can say that the results were FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!! Clean up was so fast. I am a BEnelli and Glock Armorer. Your lube is GREAT !!!!! It’s very east to use. Your number one fan.
John, Deputy Sheriff, Palm Beach, Florida
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